Celebration time on Earth, this amazing solid sphere! It’s been 1 light year since our docks opened their airlocks for outer planetary explorations! Looking to explore uncharted territories, test your moving abilities while crossing undiscovered wormholes, get in contact with unidentified celestial beings while experiencing otherworldly soundscapes? We suggest you keep an open mind and enjoy the sonic dimensional sights to the fullest extent, as well as connect and interact with your fellow travellers. Horizons may change overnight!
Vedat Akdağ (TR) - no one knows how this alien landed in Turkey, but it didn’t took him much to realise that this country will not be ready for his spaced out tunes. While becoming the underground custodian of Turkish-Hungarian relations in Budapest, he started peddling with hypnotic house, as well as mystical disco, galactic italo tunes and electro. If hypnosis was known to be regressive, you will discover that under Vedat’s control of “the bridge”, otherwise known as the command centre, hypnosis becomes progressive
Mini Zucchini - as a time traveller she explored most of the 80s period, having participated at lots of italo-disco, EBM and electro parties of that time. Travelling back to our time, she became an avid collector of eclectic sonic material, creating sets that touch the sentimentality of that era, while shifting around styles, tempos, emotions and body movements. In the year 2014 she becomes a founding member of “Launmomentdat” event series, and in 2019 she starts enriching the sound at Harababura Fair.
Kaius Leppah – shapeshifting alien sent hundreds of years ago to explore the Milky Way. Discovered planet Earth, lost his communication gear at a party, decided to blend in with humans and promote cosmic music
16. 02. 2024
9 PM (21:00)
30 LEI (available online)
artwork by Andreea Ilisai
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