For the love of memorable parties…when you realize it’s early in the morning and your feet hurt as hell…but you can not stop dancing…
Friday, September 23 – Kristal Glam Club will host one of the best parties of this fall.
The line-up is meant to make you dance #allnightlong:
Deborah De Luca – the hottest techno female DJ; Spartaque or the hammer boy, coming for the first time in Romania to smash our little brains with some top quality techno and our brothers from another mother – Luca M, JUST2 and Punu.
As music connects people don’t forget that we meet on September 23.
No more words…we leave the beats to speak for us. Take your friends and let’s party!
Bilete in avans: 30 ron
Biletul in avans garanteaza accesul la orice ora.
Bilete la intrare:
40 ron inainte de 00
50 Ron dupa 00
Rezervari mese --> Elly : 0745.044.515
Accesul la eveniment se face incepand cu ora 22:00
Accesul persoanelor sub 18 ani este strict interzis.
Iesirea din locatie nu este permisa pana la ora 01:00, in caz contrar trebuie sa platiti din nou contravaloarea biletului de intrare.
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